Sentry Troubles

Has this been solved or can i still try to help?

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The only way to make sentries do something is by making them shoot. Maybe using a relay checking for an item can work, since the sentry is a copy of a player.


No, you can use zones with wires.

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To do what? And how?

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WhoAmI discovered a teleportation method of sentries using zones and wires. Basically, sentries are subject to teleportals and zones. You can detect if a sentry is in a zone, and wore it to other things. How to Make a Sentry Move while carrying damage over! (🟩)


So starting in the zone counts as entering?

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Yes. It certainly does. And teleporting does too
My example:


Ok. Cool to know. Maybe relays connected to checkers can work with sentries then.

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Now if you would excuse me, I must leave.

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That’s why I said it was untested. I didn’t try it out.


Bump because still confused

You can also just use triggers, making it much less memory intensive!

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I believe you can make a zone where you cannot use gadgets but im not sure

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Ik, I like zones better with sentries though.

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