so begin with this simple terrain shape platformer or topdown works either way
and place a mini sentry in it at minimum size (0.5)
also set the mini sentry´s diff settings at max and give it the highest fire rate gadget (snowy ball launcher :3) place multiple for faster fragility build up
then place a thin (oreo) projectile only barrier above it not on it like this and create a simple timer using a 10 second repeater and a counter that resets itself and then put another barrier that is active on gamestart and has collision
(will edit in screenshot and finished product effects later cuz posting is being glitchy)
Great guide
Sorry for leaving the game
999% fragility gims getting hit with legendary quantum portals >=D
reload time for sentry´s with quantum portals is too slow
so i used a high fire rate gadget instead
the higher the dmg the projectile deals, the furthur they fly
Fragility? what’s that? is it a platformer only mechanic?
Basically the dmg meter from KB (KnockBack)
Nope! It also applies to Top-Down
how do you zoom out to get a bigger view and I mean massive
Editing options: Camera view
I know that but to zoom it out more
There are zoom mods in the Gimhook Wiki for Gimkit. Blackhole927 made this one: Better Zoom | Gimhook Wiki (
I believe it still works
blegh it wont let me upload my gif in the guide (froze me the instant i tried upload it ._.) oh well womp womp
Bro, this is the best guide someone has made! (In my opinion)
*gets elytra
And makes me go really high!!!
sentry powered bump cannon
aka long weekend inactivity bump
There Is A Guide Very Much Related To This.
No, it’s a health option both for top-down and platformer
(Wow that’s a late reply)