So I’m making a game but the sentry isn’t attacking. I set the sentrys on team 1 and its not attacking people on team 2. I’m activating them using buttons and vending machines so you can upgrade them but I’m wondering if thats causing its
Is there anything around them that is blocking the sentry from seeing you, like barriers?
No, its only one of the sentrys
did you check to see if you made a mistake
More information is needed.
Yes, I just did and it didn’t change. I might just redo it
could you send a screenshot?
I’m using the captin jones sentry skin, its set to team 1 and is activated but buying from a vending machine. The sentry isn’t attacking anyone even the team 2
Can you explain this in more detail? I’m not sure what “set to team 1 and is activated but buying from a vending machine.” is. I think it may be hidden sentries, but I’m uncertain.
I set the sentrys so that they belonged to team 1 and i used wires so you buy them from a vending machine (The device)
I think channels would be wiser, they take up less data and are less chaotic, but you may just want to restart your game, it may be one time off, or start over, you made have made a mistake.
K, thanks I think I’ll try that
are all of them peaceful? or just 1 or 2 of them? because 2 of them are stacked on top of each other, which might stop them from hitting you.
If it doesn’t work, ask again. You still have 3 Hours.
I just deleted them all and re did it, that seemed to work
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