Sentry Alive while in editor and unremovable

it may be the Alive Glitch or the Fun How to name your Sentries!
glitch backfire but Now my friend forever has sentrys stuck in his game And I Contacted Gimkit hoping they can help

Can someone tell me if they have same problem?

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Yep, had to delete my game because of it.

Wait what?? you had to delete your game!?!

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There have been many reports of this. Your best bet is to wait for it to be fixed or to refresh/turn off your device then turn it back on.


There is no known solution at the minute. Be patient, gimkit will release a patch for it eventually.


Yep, I am not going to say but I also lost motivation on the map so, the bug was not the only reason.


There have been lots of Sentry glitches in the past few days. Everyone has it. Please mark a solution because there are many topics like this cluttering the forum.

I would just say, leave, or shut the device your using off or close your computer screen, not restart (it was fixed for me when I did the second one)

Welcome to the new era, “Willy wonka”

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@Gimkitsuggestor please mark a solution.

@Coolerthancoolest, once again, I’ve advised you to stop spamming pre-messages in hopes of grinding solutions. Give @Gimkitsuggestor some time so they can try something else. At least about fifteen minutes.


Was looking for a kind guy to solution


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