Security Cameras See post 75

Okay, so the person they can first vote for is behind the barrier, and everyone else is in the voting chamber?

To keep us from being confused, spawn area is on the left, voting chamber is in the middle, and the display area is at the top. The person they vote for is at the display area.

I Voted 5 you can use teleport but that just a cheap and lazy version of camras

Welcome to the Community @CaptainJesse!

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Ok thanks @getrithekd

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:Thank you

It works now? Or were you confused about how it works?

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I was confused on where the players would teleport.

Welcome to the forum, @CaptainJesse! Remember to read the FAQ and also check out the beginner-must-read and forum-tips for more info.

Oh!!! I thought the system didn’t work! I could’ve made this so much easier!


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Its ok.

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Wait @getrithekd one last question what do you mean by the zone that encompasses two teleporters. Is it the one in the spawn area?

And what is the smaller zone for?

One of the teleporters receives on the channel that starts the meeting, and the other one receives on the channel that makes for a new candidate. The smaller zone is to allow people to get out. Its completely unnecsesary, along with the barrier.

Okay I will delete it then.

@getrithekd Can you show me the blocks for the Candidate Item Granter?

I am sorry to bother you more, but @getrithekd, No player is teleporting to the display room. They stay in spawn

Ok. I can’t answer now. I’ll answer at around 11:20

About time someone made a guide on this! Great guide!

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