Secondary mechanics/props for the map

Maybe you could add security cameras?

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Closing doors would be so mean. There are a bunch of places where if one trigger is blocked, you’re stuck in that area. A random effect like that would probably go in a secluded spot. Thanks for the suggestion! All this, and people are trying to knock you out for KOs… this might be a fun game!


That would be a nightmare. Could you link a guide on it?

I didn’t mean functional ones. I meant decorative ones. Like my design using a keycard terminal. Here’s the link for the functional, one, though.

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Oh. That makes a lot more sense.

You could add hiding spots that move around, so players can camp out in the same place for a few seconds if they want a rest. You could also enable/disable certain rooms based on player count, to account for map vs player size discrepancies.

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Both of those ideas sound great! I could easily throw together a rotating hiding spot, but hiding certain rooms would be trickier. Which ones do you think I should hide? (Picture coming soon)

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The on paper plans for the map:


Does anybody have any other ideas? I can just roll with these.

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Maybe a jail/prison/cellar area? (Some cells could be filled with sentries, and you could possibly make it so you can find a keycard or way to enter an empty cell to get a reward.)

I might add that!

Do you have any idea on where I could put it?

Map is above, sorry for low quality

I have no idea, I was originally thinking for the shape of the room to be like a long hallway though. Considering the fact that a few rooms would lead to this chamber, it would be a bit difficult and beyond my comprehension currently to pinpoint a single place to put this in a single location.

I think it might work. Just have to test it.

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