Seasons greetings, Game mechanics and decor

My ideas

Maybe you could have 2 teams with different abilities, Fall and Spring for team 1 and winter and summer. Then you could have 4 different spawning areas with small zones inside that give the different people on each team of seasons different abilities.

How the abilities could work

For example, the people of the summer season could have the ability to increase the damage of team 2, winter could have a randomized pop-up that could slow down team 1, spring could have an ability to weaken the damage of team 2, and fall could have the ability to speed up team 1.

How is this for an updated version of the goal?

The world as we knew it has been turned upside down! The Earth has suddenly stopped spinning and the seasons are running amok. Winter and Summer have taken over with an iron grip, making life unbearable for everyone. But not you, you’re a warrior of the Autumn Clan, and you’re not going to take this lying down. It’s time to rise up and fight back! Your mission is to find the four season crystals, defeat the tyrannical rulers of Winter and Summer, and set the Earth spinning again. The stakes are high, and the fate of the world rests on your shoulders. But fear not, for Spring has decided to stay neutral and will trade with you and your allies. Are you ready to take on this epic adventure and restore balance to the seasons? Let’s do this!

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or this? (i worked so hard on these)

Hey there, are you ready for an epic adventure that will take you to the ends of the Earth and beyond? The world as we knew it has been turned upside down! The Earth has suddenly stopped spinning and the seasons are running amok. Winter and Summer have taken over with an iron grip, making life unbearable for everyone. But not you, my friend! You’re a warrior of the Autumn Clan, and you’re not going to take this lying down. It’s time to rise up, gather your allies, and fight back against the tyrannical rulers of Winter and Summer! You have a mission - to find the four season crystals, defeat the villains, and set the Earth spinning again. The stakes are high, and the fate of the world rests on your shoulders! But fear not, for Spring has decided to stay neutral and will trade with you and your allies. So, are you ready to take up this challenge and restore balance to the seasons? Let’s do this!

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which is better made?

The first one. Unless you do go to space

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How do I make this more visually appealing?

should i fix smth? cause idk how to make it better

The bottom left, is that spring or summer?


I mean there should be some greenery

what type of props?

I mean just trees would add a nice totch

Add water and sand to summer. A beach in the corner maybe? Also, not enough snow in winter. Add snow to the terrain in just a few places to make it more natural. Maybe a frozen lake?

hows this for winter
Screenshot 2023-12-19 9.46.00 AM

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Great! The snow makes it look better. Right?

Yup it needed that touch


how do i fix this?

Here’s an idea for the summer area to get you started
Screenshot 2023-12-18 3.45.36 PM