Season Ticket skin Glitch

So when I was playing Gimkit Creative I noticed something goofy…
The Pufferfish skin from the new season ticket has a funny new glitch. so how you do this glitch is that when you stay completely still, after a couple of seconds you will inflate by yourself, if you move without stopping then you will stay inflated but without your spikes. Gimkit needs to fix it, but tbh I’m having fun with it.

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It’s not a glitch, it’s an animation that goes with the skin.

I know that, its just that your not meant to stay inflated when you move…

It’s not a glitch, its a feature to show that its a pufferfish!

Well, technically you don’t know, so mark a solution!


I think you should listen to the gimkit veterans here @bob_the_tomato and @Kormorant


if you wanna see it for yourself try it in-game

Not everyone has season pass though

that is true though.

I have seen for myself and…
Guess what?
It’s supposed to do that!

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I have the season ticket, let me try it out.
@NotYoyo message blackhole to unlock your trust level

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bro how? did you even read what I said?

This is not related to GKC…

I know that it’s meant to inflate. I’ve seen it.

@bob_the_tomato is right @Blackhole927 please close this topic

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but I said that when you walk around when you inflate you stay inflated but without the spikes.

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Oh, it does puff up with no spikes if you move


THATS IT! that is what it does

And it’s supposed to do that