Scoring Points and other things

What are your checkers settings? Also, is there a reason why you need the wire repeater? Oh, and, welcome to the forum! Thanks for the detailed questions.

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Lets just say I have no idea what I’m doing and I am trying everything I can think of. Not sure if I needed a repeater. I just want a way to check if there is enough points so a barrier can deactivate. All help is appreciated, thank you!

It’s not working because like I said:

Is there some lifecycle that is wired to a repeater that is wired to the checker, so that it can always be checking?

Remeber: you don’t have the zone activated, so the wire repeater is literally useless. You need a lifecycle(to check for game start) —> wired to a repeater(stop when check passes, 0.5 interval time) —> wired to the checker(which goes back around and wires to the repeater to stop it from repeating). The checker will then be wired to thhe zone and that zone wired to the button and the button finally wired to the barrier.

PS: remove the wire repeater, it’s useless.

You only need a wire repeater if the device you connected it to is already connected to the device that the wire repeater is connected to.

Ok, so what I didn’t understand was that there is a “repeater” and “wire repeater”. Also I didin’t realize a “life cycle” was a device. Now that I understand that, like you said, works just fine! Thank you so much for your help and patience with my ignorance!

The repeater is the only thing that should exist in your system, as for the wire repeater that you had, get rid of it.
No problem!

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