Save File Help!

Can someone help me make a save file. I read the guide but I didn’t work.

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What were you saving?

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I made a RPG game and tried to save my progress.


No like properties. What properties and types of properties were you saving?


You have to make different properties logging specific things in order for it to work….

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Oh. I was saving properties that tracked cash and stuff.

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Pictures? Details? The more you give, the more likely to get a satisfactory answer

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just press save in the menu

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Sorry but I can’t give pictures right now.

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can you list what you want saved?

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That isn’t what they mean (look up save file in guides)

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oh sorry i thought you meant like a normal creative mode save

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I need properties saved.

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we need everything that you want saved ex:money, location

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Yes I need: Money, Location, And barriers deactivated.

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first make a property for each and a digit code system

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Grant the amount of cash that the player inputs.

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I don’t know what you mean. This is why I need help.

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3 properties
the amount of counters you will need will depend on the max amount of cash barriers deactived and places to save

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What do you mean?

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