Save code help but a little different

In a doors map I am creating with Legobuilder we need a way for the host to see how many players have won the game and how many have lost. (by using the save code method but changed) how could we do this? and discuss take your time experiment, but please we really need this. and maybe @shdwy since you created the save code method, could you help?
but here is the real catch, it also needs to check if there is only 1 player in game, and if so it will update save code, if more than 1 it will not, as currently more than 1 person breaks game.


I think that you could need to use a property that is connected to the counter , the counter should be connected to the end of the game, and maybe another property that is connected to a live player counter and find a way to make it track the people that lost. More thought is required…
(Because as far as I know properties save data forever, unless the data is reset.)

As much as that is a good idea we need to know how to do it in steps if possible

Yeah, I will try to figure it out, just give me tomorrow because I need to take a shower and go to sleep

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Can you say that again but a bit more coherently? That was incredibly hard to read.

All I see is the “check player count” section, and I can certainly help you with that.
Have a relay set to all players, run a signal on it, and then have a counter globally increment when it receives a signal from the relay’s output channel. Then, hook the counter up to a property, and say “if property = 1 do x”

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it also needs to check if there is only 1 player in game, and if so it will update save code, if more than 1 it will not, as currently more than 1 person breaks game.

Can you help with this since it is kinda like your save code

It’s completely unrelated to my save code, and I just did lol


Clair_B I was wondering if you wanted your wins and loses to show on a pop up or text.

We want them on a counter if possible

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So you just want a counter labeled wins and loses?

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We need to have a system where it will save how many wins you have and how many losses individually (on counters preferably), and we also need it to count up all wins and losses in total on a defferent set of counters (preferably counters) and a system that will save how many bronze seeds you had last time you clicked a game overlay that says save. But we need it like step by step please.

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Well the wins for global is easy, just put a zone/trigger at the end of your game make it transmit on “plus1win” or something like that, put down a counter, that increments when receiving on “plus1win”
(I will continue to edit)

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How does that make it so if a random person wins or loses, next time I get on game, it will have upped a counter?

You need it to be connected to a property

if we use a property will it have if a random person plays our game using publishing, when we next get on the counter will automatically have increased?

It should, if the counter is part of a live player counter

okay thanks we will try that out and see if it works and get back to you

can you explain how to do it with a live player counter, but step by step?

(Edit: I made a mistake, let me check)

Well if you go to some of the device’s settings then you will see an option that says blocks:

(Only some devices can use them)