Sabotage reactor help

The final resort. Help.

So I have a reactor sabotage by Haiasi on the amongus tug. I used to have a system by myself but it was so buggy I scrapped it like 30 mins ago. After the ppl go into the zone the meltdown just repeats itself but you cant fix the sabotage. This was the same bug with my last reactor meltdown system. Actually help. Please Im desperate.



Welp Im gonna go to sleep. Ill check the topic in the morning. Like 9:30am EST.

There might be a bug with the repeaters (can I see the settings?)
Edit: will check back in the morning it is 11:30pm here and I am tired.

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Sure. One sec.

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Left repeater:
Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 10.30.56 PM

Middle Repeater:
Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 10.31.27 PM

Right Repeater:
Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 10.34.07 PM

Also bye JT.

What is giving off the wire pulses for the repeater to stop???
Ans also, your problem is that the player can’t fix the reactor because it keeps on repeating itself or what???

You need a trigger that receives on “Reactor Sabotage”. That needs to receive from a relay for all players. Make this trigger another trigger with a 30s delay. This should trigger another trigger (let’s call this the doomsday trigger) that deactivates on “Reactor Fixed” and activates on “Reactor Sabotage”. Make some sort of alert that receives on “Reactor Sabotage”. After this. Make the thing that stops the reactor broadcast on “Reactor Fixed”. Make the doomsday trigger end the game.


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