For my tycoon game, I want to add a feature where the player has to collect the “cash” that never spawns in their invertory. there any way we might be able to do this? A premade tutorial related to this would help a lot
you could literally just . . . use a property and a button.
there is no research that needs to be done . . .
No im talking about a property thats tracks an item without giving the player the actual item
??? you don’t need an item to use a property.
can you explain a little more?
Oh easy.
Use a counter linked to a property.
Then, when property value changes, blocks are run for an overlay.
Set Text: Create text With: "Coins: + "Get Property "cash"
idea, have a counter for the amount, and give one money at a time, reducing the counter by one. when it reaches 0, stop giving money.
what is psudo
There’s a whole guide on it. Search for it if you want to know what it is. Also, I’m not trying to be rude, but it’s spelled “Pseudo”.
ok .
Thanks @Faelron2! The only problem with this is how it gives the player money when the cash is claimed.
VERY Off Topic Game Reference
Am I literally hearing nonsense… are you wanting something like where if there is a item somewhere in game and not specifically a property or inventory item, for it to track it
oh, you don’t EVER want to give them the money?
In that case…
Use the counter to track their money, and when buying something check it against that counter.
Though why don’t you want to give the player money?
oooooh wait Í get what he is saying now
@RyanDaGreat Are you wanting like a counter or some text that when you press a button it subtracts all the money and then you collect it?
because I know how to do that
I think…I confuse myself at times
BUT yeh I probably can show you.This does not need to be research since its just a basic thing, but I do get where your coming from
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