Requesting a Thumbnail

Hi guys, so the game is called At Home Simulator :purple_heart: (yes with the emoji in the title) and the things I want in the thumbnail:

:purple_heart: The title
:purple_heart: My name and whoever made the thumbnail’s name
:purple_heart: 2 echo agents (everyone is nice and no gims in this have any weapons just saying), 1 vortex agent, and a stache and a gim of your choosing
:purple_heart: one of the echo agents and the vortex agent are standing near eachother, and the stache and the other echo agent are standing near eachother and the gim of your choosing is in the center
:purple_heart: The setting is inside a house
:purple_heart: There needs to be a green, a blue and a purple keycard lying or floating around the place.

I will make the poll when we have 3 or more thumbnails :wink:


Simulators make me all comfy inside lol, can my thumbnail be custom? Like, I can put the gims or activities around wherever I want? Give me 2 days pls

Yeah you can put the stuff wherever, as long as it still follows the requirements…

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Ok thank you :3

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Here’s mine i tried my best so i hope you like it

@SnoopyOTG thats great but I was kinda thinking more like the setting of inside a house with furniture and stuff but still this is really good. And also maybe delete the Nintendo switch as well…

I like how your gimkit OC is just making a hold of the nintendo switch :joy:

that’s not his oc.
that gim rick

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I know, but he changed the color of his crown, so it’s pretty much his oc now lol

its the same color?
also does that mean that if for example I just take @electrolxr PFP and make it purple, it’s my oc?

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Bruh, I know it’s his oc, because it’s his profile picture

You’re entering a fight that you will not win. Both of you, stop replying.

…OC stands for original character. Unless the artist states it is an OC, never assume it’s theirs.


Huh that’s a weird pfp

I hope you haven’t taken it off the internet, because that’s art theft…

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this isn’t my oc it belongs to gimkit i only use it in my pfp is because its my favorite character so can we please get back on topic now

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He started it first :frowning:

Ok, no accusing, lets get back on topic.


Just because I made a mistake, that doesn’t mean you should fight a conversation with me. Shouldn’t you just correct a person a more nicer explanation? Also, the term OC means original character

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True, true.

Anyone else making a thumbnail?? I think I might


I’m making one! :3