Request for help with Thumbnail (another one?)

so we’re a bit off topic (I just don’t want to get flags) do you have Wix?

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Here’s a link to my friend’s Scratch.

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I can’t log in. The school blocked it. Can you register in Wix? It’s easy there.


i see me lol

i can’t sorry

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Wix blocked and a gmail email won’t work.

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I don’t know, it all worked out very quickly for me, I just entered my email (not my school email) and that’s it, it didn’t even ask for confirmation

by the way, you should make your own gallery, something like this

I embarrassed myself a little. Well, you should make your own gallery.

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Idk the only canva account im allowed to have has my real details on it and i don’t want to risk much

Are we waiting for other thumbnails?

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Hi monoreuk i already have one. (i know it’s not to me)

@TastySnurp come help me
with a art if you can

Are you risking exposing yourself? or what?

i risk exposing my personal details

not fun

don’t go to settings and change your name, I will only see your name, the profile is not shown

oh i mean GO to settings and change your name (transletar lol)

oh ok… one sec il go on the canva

thank you for your help “TastySnurp”

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so i guess i
doomed :slight_smile:

Progress update again


Me and bountyhunterx are kind of close

hows this