Request for help with Thumbnail (another one?)

so, I need to see 2 sides in the miniature, on the left, there should be the skin of Ozi, he should be kind, similar to the one on my avatar, on the left he should be whiter, more precisely the threads should be whitish, there should be a sun, a tree, in short, everything you can think of with kindness, so that he is cheerful and everything is good.

the transition should be like this stick | or like this /

on the right there should also be the skin of Ozi, but more like the original skin, that is, darker, there should also be rain, it should be a little sad. so everything should be sad, as I said rain, possibly lightning, oh exactly and also put multi-storey houses that are broken. and there should be any broken military equipment, (tank, plane, car)

all that is needed is 2 sides, sad and good. I hope I explained everything well, I hope someone has some free time, thanks

I want to ask my friend @TastySnurp AGAIN to try to make me something like this (sorry, you have really good Thumbnails :face_holding_back_tears:
in a good way you can make it so that you (what should I call this bug) are on my head, I repeat in a good part of the picture, you can also do this with your friend (I forgot his name) then it turns out 3 times better when you do it together!!! You can also add this bug to the picture, but still. who is your friend, do we know him?


So I bet that my freind could make it his name is @BountyHunterX but is ACC. is banned right now so if you could wait a few more weeks he can do it.

I don’t think he is banned, he posted 6 minutes ago and doesn’t seem to be suspended-?

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I make tomorrow if you want me to @Monoreuk

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Oh then I might try to get him to go it, What topic

Well, I don’t know, waiting a few weeks is a bit too much, we’ll see

I’m here @AAA


Hey could you help me make this guys thumbnail on the Canva group?


k delete >>>??? bro

So @Monoreuk what do you want on it



better graphics


cool what you did with the canva view

can you do like this?

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Mabye It will take a few day though Alright?


I don’t want to offend you but I didn’t like it very much, not only did I ask for it to be added to my thumbnail but you can also make a rectangular picture instead of a square one

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I made a big screen 1920 by 1080

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I’ll make the thumbnail today =D

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never mind tomorrow sorry me go catch some zzzzz’s it’s 10:33 PM

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title of the game?
or else no thumbnail