Rent for the map

Is there a way to give Player2 X amount of an item, when Player1 presses a button?


I just realized that the bank could be used as a means of currency transmitting to other people. Could you try that?

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No shot.

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uh… i don’t know what you mean but ok

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It just might work. Thanks @mysz. In case it doesn’t work, I’ll leave the post open.


No shot just means “no actual way are you kidding me why didn’t I think of this”


The thing about the bank is that some properties can have an active scope of “global” but only two players have access to them.


Maybe set the property scope to the team, so that when you press the button, using AWO, you can quickly switch the receiving person to your team, when they give you stuff, and change the team property by that amount. The problem is, how do they detect what team you’re on?

I REALLY need to look into this more.


It would work if there was one “landlord” on a specific team, and everyone else wasn’t.

Create a timer for a certain period of time. Anyways, if the player paying rent doesn’t press the button in time, they lose all their currency and cannot gain it back for a certain period of time.

Now, when they press a button to pay rent, it quickly switches them to the landlord’s team, puts in the currency, and switches them back to their regular team. The button is deactivated until they need to pay rent again.

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This begs the question. Do properties update when you quickly switch teams and switch back?

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wait there is no bank…

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i have a guide on it.

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Hey @mysz could you try this? The person paying rent loses the amount of money needed to pay rent, then that amount is stored in a property. The item granter then sends a message on channel WhoeverOwnsThePropertySpaceNumber. A relay specific to that channel picks up the signal and sends it on channel PayRent, which activates an item granter and gives the person collecting rent the amount needed.

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Do you want me to test it?

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Yeah, that would be nice.

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Ok, but it’s late rn in my time zone. I could test it tomorrow, if that’s fine.

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That’s okay. It’s late in my timezone as well, but I had to write my idea down before I forgot

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Let’s assume that this worked and I finished making rent without any problems.