Render Distance, Is It Possible?

I was wondering if we could change the render distance/view distance of the player in-game. I’ve thought of some ideas, but they wouldn’t really work. If any of you have any ideas please feel free to tell me!

What I know/What we know

Possibly tie an object to the players coordinates and make it cover up some parts of their screen?


Does no one have any ideas? Please feel free to say anything that might help with this research!

hypothetically we could put a bunch of zones to hide props when the player gets too far away, but that would be way too memory consuming.

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Could we use camera views somehow?

I’m gonna try overlapping camera views real quick, I don’t know if that works or not.

so I tried this layout,

when you walked to the right through the view zones, your gim would stay on the left of the screen. I’m not sure this strategy would work.

The problem with them is that they zoom in

I was wondering if it would work more in top-down.

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If you could somehow tie the object or camera view to the player coordinates.


You could have a bunch of barriers that activate/deactivate based on coordinates.


However, barrier’s wouldn’t be able to follow the player.

if you deactivate the right ones, yes.

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What we need right now is something that would block part of the screen, but follow the player as well. Oh, like cover the map with barriers?

I see small map potential here.

So like fake render distance? Because- if I recall correctly- Gimkit only renders what’s in your camera, so it’s somewhat tied to the size of a player’s view. Camera views only go to a certain area. That area = what’s rendered.

Do you want to make the player’s camera view even bigger or smaller? I mean you can make it smaller by placing it at the edge of a map, maybe.

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Making it smaller would be more useful I believe.

Speaking of which, what uses do you see for this?

I was thinking of a hunter and survivor game where the hunter has a smaller view distance. This would balance the ganeplay.

I have a feeling they’ll add a “camera zoom” device next season, but for now you might have to settle for a choppy camera point system afaik.


from a fersion virus victim to another


Hmmmmm hold on let try to think here hmmmmmmmmmmmmm metal pipe maybe use zones that are hidden wait no Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm man I don’t know