Recursion 101: A Foothold into Technical Gimkit

This doesn’t need pictures, it’s explained perfectly


At least a few pictures would be nice.

And plus, editing time ran out a long time ago

Pictures are powerful is still a very relevent and useful guide.

I’m not saying it isn’t

This isn’t a guide, it’s just a theory explaining a concept simply and asking for ideas and elaboration. Anyone reading this guide is here for the concept explained in text, not pictures. The words “make a trigger, and make it broadcast on a channel, and receive on that same channel.”

Pictures are powerful, but there isn’t a big reason to put them here. If anything, the one thing this topic really needs is spaces between paragraphs, and the python code to be in a code block.

But, I digress. Does anyone know the answer to this question I asked here?

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Are you looking for only 1 trigger, or is multiple an option?

You need 2 separately recursing systems. You can start them with the same wires though.

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As many triggers as is needed, I care much more about speed than memory here.

So two triggers that both recurse separately, but are started at the same time?

I don’t think making more recursive systems is going to help as the recursion limit is set in stone (gimkit tracks the # of signals and stops all processes in that map once it reaches over 300)

You could try sending 298 signals and then send into a 1s delay trigger (rinse and repeat) to efficiently get around the recursion limit, however, it still is going to take ~79-200s (depending on how fast the servers are) to complete that task you are trying to do.

Yeah, that’s my current approach, and it’s too slow. I still need to do some testing with getrithekd’s idea though.

Yes. That makes them have different channel caps, so then you can get more than 300 calculations per second.

Ok, so starting out: avoid wires.
You shouldn’t touch em if you want max processing, at least not in the beginning. I would suggest just splitting up the tasks into 2 or 3 completely disconnected lines. I’m not sure how you’re storing the data, but you want to avoid as many signals as possible, so having properties linked to counters or something and then using counters as your computation devices might be the move.

@Blackhole927 I saw you were online, does this answer your question?

That’s really not important. All you need to worry about is this:
Each channel has a cap of 300 signals per second. However, you can have two channels running at this cap at the same time, and no problems occur. There is a global channel cap, but I’m not sure what it is.

That’s not…
a) this post was 175 days old at the time of posting. You’re a bit late.
b) this isn’t conventional guide; it’s introducing a technical concept, not teaching someone how to make a hot dog stand with prop art.
c) there’s not really many pictures that could be used here. I’m not showing you a random picture of a trigger, this is a broad technical concept. It’s like asking you to show me a picture of what imagination is, or a picture of how flappy bird works. Just doesn’t really fit.


VoidFluffy liked your post
(ahh like limit)

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ya its beause gkc cant run two things in the same tick, but run them tick after tick

idk tick speed tho

also wingwave or shdwy I’m too lazy to check is this basically a trigger triggering itself or smth like that?


my mama made me mash my m&m’s (sorry I couldn’t post this without this sentence being here because it "the body wasn’t complete :skull:)

wait the music teacher in my makes me sing that…

except its mother not mama

I do weird crazy stuff in gkc haha

lol cool

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