Recommended Flooring

Does anyone have some recommended flooring for the Cops and Robbers game?

You can use Concrete, Oak wood, Boardwalk, Exposed Boardwalk, or you can use dark scraps for darker floors.
add a screenshot of what it looks like so far.

Okay, give me a few moments to show you the screenshot of what it looks like so far.

Yeah, maybe use some boardwalk for buildings, cobblestone, or whatever, and road.

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Okay! Do you have an easy way to make it like a Capture the Flag game? The flooring for one color. Each of the opposite team has their own flooring color.

maybe like light and dark metallic, or maybe plastic.

You could also make it where there is an opportunity to steal a cop car(ashphalt road for flooring)

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Dark marble & White marble, Red plastic & Frozen lake, Snow & Purple sand, Dungeon Gray & Lab Floor Magenta~

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Okay, thanks for the ideas! @LEPRECON2024 wanted a screenshot of it. I got it ready, at last.

Here, I didn’t add the flooring, but this is the cops side. Any suggestions?

Use the Dungeon floor grey

Asphalt road, seems best.

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props would help, and make it look like a prison or something I guess

Or asphalt, that could work, for the road, but you can use concrete for sidewalks, and use asphalt for the road, and then finaly make the main walkway dungeon floor grey.

Okay, thanks! I will mark a solution!!

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cops vs robbers

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You can use Concrete, Oak wood, Boardwalk, Exposed Boardwalk, or you can use dark scraps for darker floors.
add a screenshot of what it looks like so far.

Yeah, maybe use some boardwalk for buildings, cobblestone, or whatever, and road.

maybe like light and dark metallic, or maybe plastic.

You could also make it where there is an opportunity to steal a cop car(ashphalt road for flooring)

Dark marble & White marble, Red plastic & Frozen lake, Snow & Purple sand, Dungeon Gray & Lab Floor Magenta~

Use the Dungeon floor grey

Asphalt road, seems best.

props would help, and make it look like a prison or something I guess

Or asphalt, that could work, for the road, but you can use concrete for sidewalks, and use asphalt for the road, and then finaly make the main walkway dungeon floor grey.

You should use cracked oak for the police offices, But for the jail cells you should use gray stone.

Thanks for @California_Love, @LEPRECON2024, @EXTRA, and @ShadowDragon44, @OhioianOG2 and @Edwards


Mannnnnnnnnn sweet @Edwards

Good idea @Edwards ! It looks amazing!

thx bro