Receiving on multiple channeIs

how can I make a trigger receive on multiple channels?

comma between each channel

Receive on channel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(where 1 2 3 4 and 5 are example channels)

also what the heck clicclac you know about this


wait what


sorry to be a little off topic, but if I knew this, you know how much memory I could have saved…?

yeah it was discovered a few days ago by a train guy fifty three


he’s a savior then

truly a remarkable discovery, it feels like we should have known this by know, but nope, brand new discovery lol

I had no idea you could do that

It’s great. I got rid of EVERY wire in my map

? What did I do? I just learned about this recently as well.


I think the what the heck is like, in disbelief, like some people say, oh my gosh, you know about this dude? or something like that

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we talked about this you alt owner