Randomly generated levels for my Dungeon

Is there a way for me to make a randomly generated level? If not should I manually make all of the levels?

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Completely random levels would be very difficult. What you could do is build a few rooms, and then randomly decide which rooms will be in a level.

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How could I do that?

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I’ve heard that if you link a teleporter to teleport to multiple teleporters, it will teleport to one randomly.

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But then the levels would be the same and then there is only a certain amount of levels on one gamemode.

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You would have to make multiple rooms that the same teleporter will teleport you to. If a teleporter is set to teleport to multiple teleporters, it will randomly puck a room. It isn’t really possible to generate completely random rooms.

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Oh. Ok, thanks for the help.

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Also, I followed Wumpus’s dungeon guide but the knockout streak as soon as I kill two sentries it gives me all the snowballs and the max speed, I don’t know why.

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And, any other ideas on what I should add to my dungeon?

easter eggs that are very hard to find, but if you find all of them you get buffs or better weapons

Are you trying to make a Roguelike game?

Here are some guides on dungeon maps, they may help solve your question.

Yeah, I used those guides, but for the knockout Streak. It gave me all of the snowballs and health when I knocked out two sentries. What happened?

Also, I’m making a dungeon where you knockout sentries while finding out the history of the world and what happened.