Randomizing Specific Items

So, I want something like you press on a button and they will get random items. Does anyone know how to do that?

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You would have to do a trigger and make a randomizer code, let me get a picture.



Then, make the channels transmit to specific item granters so that they grant specific items
Hope this helped!


Here you go!
Screenshot 2024-02-23 094240
This is the code, I use for a random teleporter.

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Make sure to use The Art of Concatenation: Credits to @Zypheir and @Blackhole927- Difficulty 7.5/10 or 🟧

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More optimized (less memory) , it would look like this:

Okay, thanks guys! I’m still not very used to the code blocks so I was just in the Gimkit Creative, sorry for late response!


It’s alright. That’s why I like having pictures; you can just use them and find the blocks on your own. It’s way easier than having to figure them out without any help or specific details.
@Princess2216, congratulations on becoming a Member.

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Sorry, I just saw @California_Love 's post right now. Thanks! I turned a member a while ago, not quite realizing it!


Yes! Congratulations! I’m glad.
That was the same way when I became Regular, I didn’t get a notification, but when I looked on my bio—there it was! I was so happy. Anyways, congratulations again, and thanks. :slight_smile:

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No problem!

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Iknow how to randomize the button item thingys

You do @Claire_B ? Wait, not wanting to be like off-topic, but would you mind going to that you know, thing?

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yeah im on it but its still the same from yesterday

! wait…this is wierd…just saying…

No no, there’s a padlet for @Claire_B .

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Please remain on topic, @LEPRECON2024.

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is there a new c0de?

Um, yep. Let’s just be on topic now!

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