Randomized Spinner

Length Warning + Block Code
Disclaimer: I’m not the best at block code, so if you think something could be simplified, that would be great.
This guide features:
A button disabling when pressed only to be enabled again 5 seconds after it was pressed.
Barriers matching with the random color picked.
An arrow pointing to the random color picked.

Making the Spinner

The background

Make a 7x7 area, floor, any layer you want. It doesn’t have to be marble.

Next you are going to make 6 barriers, one for each color of the spinner. Note you can use any colors you want; it doesn’t have to be exactly like mine. Make sure it is on the bottom layer (below players), collision off. These will be the settings:

Transparency/Alpha 0.50.
You will copy and paste it 5 more times, but every time you do you will change the color and the Activate channel.

  • Red barrier: Activate When receiving on… ShowRed
  • Orange barrier: Activate When receiving on… ShowOrange
  • Yellow barrier: Activate When receiving on… ShowYellow
  • Green barrier: Activate When receiving on… ShowGreen
  • Blue Barrier: Activate When receiving on… ShowBlue
    ALL OF THESE BARRIERS ARE DISABLED ON GAME START(yes, including the purple one)
The Spinner

The Frame
Take a circle barrier, keep collision and border on, transparency should be at 0.

Next use the text device and make 12 “|” Each two should be a different color ROYGBP angle them to fit the transparent circle. It should look like this:

The only setting for this is an outline of 20, and size 70.
Add a small gray barrier in the middle to hide the gaps

So far, so easy right? Now we are going to focus on block code and channels, make sure you don’t get your channels messed up otherwise the arrows and barriers will not correspond. This is the arrow design I’m using, →. Your arrows will be put in a text device and angled like so:

Mine are labeled to avoid confusion.

Arrow Red Settings

Arrow Orange Settings

Arrow Yellow Settings

Arrow Green Settings

Arrow Blue Settings

Arrow Purple Settings

Place the arrows in the right spot :PP

The Triggers
Meet the triggers, Gray and Grey. They may look like twins, but one has block code, and the other does not.

Trigger 1

This trigger is active on game start, global, not visible in game, trigger delay of 0 seconds, and not activated by player collision. Follow the pictures:

Trigger 2

This trigger is active on game start, global, not visible in game, trigger delay of 5 seconds, and not activated by player collision. Follow the picture:

Buttons and Wires, or well, rather wire


This is the last step, hooray!
Place a button, it should have these settings:

  • Visible in game
  • Active from game start

Wire a wire from Trigger 2 (Grey(The one that has no block code)) to the button. The action should be
Triggered → Activate button

Start the game and see if it works

If something goes wrong, please take some time to see if you made a typo, or got your channels messed up. If you can’t figure out what happened, then you may reply saying “Its broke”, not a statement, just a suggestion.

Comment if you think there is a possibility for an animation

Rate a diffculty
  • Difficulty: :green_square:
  • Difficulty: :yellow_square:
  • Difficulty: :orange_square:
  • Difficulty: :red_square:
  • Difficulty: :purple_square:
  • Difficulty: :black_large_square:
0 voters

Block Code shortened
6/27/24 A special thanks to @chrysostom


If I’m not mistaken, this could be used in a _____Land game.
Cool mechanics!

I was actually looking at that guide earlier…
Thanks :>

Yay another useful guide!
Nice guide!

If we could make the arrow spin around in circles in an animation, that’d be cool.

you could but that costs more memory.

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I KNOW RIGHT, I was trying to pull that together, but I got lazy :PP

For chunky

I mainly just looked at the channels and was like, Nope! That’s-that’s going to be for another day.

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Good design!

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It’s 17% memory by itself :skull:

Thank you

17% memory???!! :skull: :skull: :skull:
I feel like some calculations were not correct…

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You are probably right, I’ll have to check again. The map might not be completely empty, but I’m pretty shure it is :skull:

I found EVERYTHING in the corner of the map, its only like 5-8% memory

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lol why do you have everything in one corner?

ummm, the block code is… umm, longer than it should be.
nice guide though. Animation would have be great.

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This is a pretty good guide!

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Okay so… Instead of 12 I’s just use 6 V’s for the inside.

yes yes yes!! :slight_smile:

I also like the guide, it can be useful for lots of board games

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So instead of using one map for a single project, all my top-down projects go into one map a test map, and all my platformer projects go into one test map as well. There are several pr0s and cons to this.

Pr0s: I don’t have a bunch of junk maps taking up space
Pr0s: I don’t have to search several maps to find a specific project I made

Cons: If I don’t have things organized, I’ll forget all the stuff that in in there
Cons: I have to do math for memory ://

etc. etc.

Suggestions? @chrysostom

Sorry in advance for pinging you

well there are just 6 channels to broadcast on right? so make it a random number between 1 and 6, then put the broadcast on channel to:
broadcast on channel (create text with) variable
so then the channel is “1, 2, 3” etc. If you already have those channels the make it:
broadcast on channel (create text with) {text}[spinner] variable
so the channels are “spinner1, spinner2, spinner3” etc.

also feel free to ping me anytime


I’m just now realizing that I made it go all the way to 180 :skull:

Ok thanks, I’ll remember that in the future :>