I know that someone has at least wondered how to spawn with randomized gadgets so that is why this topic exists. I hope this is helpful and that I didn’t talk about something already being said. Without further adieu, let’s get into the process!
Just to let you know, this guide does use blocks.
Game Setting
- Go to Map Options
- Go to Items and Set Item Respawn Behavior to Delete
- For Less Difficulty, Set Item Slots to 1. This is Not Necessary!
- Add 2 Lifecycles
- Set 1 to Player Knocked Out and Keep the Other on Game Start
- Place Down a Relay set to All Players
- Wire the Game Start Lifecycle to the Relay
- Place Down a Trigger and Make Sure Active Scope is Set to Player
- Connect Game Start Lifecycle and Relay to Trigger via Wires
- Open Blocks
- Make a Variable and Set it to a Random Integer from 1 - 14
- Use an If Statement and Set Channels
Copy the System All the Way Down to the Last Gadget in Alphabetical Order
Alphabetical Order
Evil Eye
Quantum Portal
Snowball Launcher
Wooden Wand
- For each of the 14 channels, connect them each with triggers and go to blocks. (Recommended to Copy & Paste Triggers and Just Renaming Channels)
- Create a Variable and Have It Be Set to a Random Number from 1 - 5
- Use an If Statement and Set Channels
For the last step, just place 70 item granters and correspond to the broadcasted channels. This process is much easier with channels that say the gadget alongside its rarity.
This is an example of how it will look like. (I organized it for easier recognition)
Remember when I said that it was not necessary for you to set Item Slots to 1? For however many Item Slots you set to, copy & paste the trigger connected to the inputs to the amount.
This is my first time creating a “Community Made Guide” so I would love to know how to improve. If possible, take some time to answer some polls and reply on how to make this better. Have a wonderful rest of your day!
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