Random spawn help

I am trying to create a Battle Royale map and I need to make players spawn in random locations. I didn’t want to add spawn pads for two reasons; 1, it may use a lot of storage. 2, players could still spawn together.

Need help, any comments are welcome.

Add lots of spawn pads, they don’t cause a lot of memory and players spawning together is uncommon.
You could activate a big zone around the map for a few seconds when the game statts that doesn’t allow gadget fire so players won’t be spawn-killed.


Okay, but I won’t mark a solution yet. I would want to see other ideas first!


Spawn pads are the cheapest spawn method

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You could use this teleporter randomizer by maththrive or mike neumire but it causes much more memory.
Add lots of props to your maps for cover.

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You could add lots of teleporters underneath the spawn pads as spawn pushers.

If you make every spawn pad for a different team no one will spawn together

I want this to be free for all, though.

so then make it to were every team can spawn by placing many different spawners on top of each other in the same spot.

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