Random relay help: applying to everyone

idk then :person_shrugging: sorry…

I have a relay: All players on team 2 get this popup: You are the target. Instead, if they are on team two, they get this popup: You are a guard. Team one is the guard, not team two.

I don’t know what is wrong. The relay is:

The wire to the popup is:

try using wire repeaters before the pop ups? the pop ups usually arent right and I can never understand why

Wire repeaters with what delay?

probably 0.1

Okay, I’m going to test this, as it may be a AUO problem.

Edit: I finished testing, nothing changed, this is not a AUO problem or a team switching problem.

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I don’t know what to say then, sorry

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I have no idea what is happening.

Edit: i’m going to double check that the guard popup is working fine.

Second edit: The guard is the only team you don’t switch to, you spawn as one

Third edit: I’m going to test having to switch to be a guard

Fourth edit: how do I make a relay apply to everyone but the assassains and guards?

Fifth edit: I can’t do the third edit

@gimmaster12345 are all players on the same team in beginning? if so then do random from specific team (the team everyone is in beginning) for both relays, but have a wire repeater delay one relay by a second. and there you go fixed…and the popups might be set to global for scope…set it to player scoped and it should fix it.

That should be it.

I did that:
A random player is switched to team 3
All players on team three get a popup after a 0.1 second delay.

Okay, i’m just giving up… I’m deleting the game

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