Question that i need answer for

Is there a way to deactivate a teleporter when you teleport to one

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Not currently! Teleporters cannot be enabled/disabled at the moment.

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Hey King! Technically you can, but you have to use a button and channels for that. If you place the button and make it transmit on “name” and click on the teleporter and make it teleport when you press the button then the player will not be able to go back through, making it basically deactivating the teleporter.


You can also use properties to record a teleport (set property to 0 by default and 1 after the player has teleported to it), but you would (most likely) have to use blocks to make that work.

(this block is stored within whatever trigger device is used - in this case, it’s an actual Trigger device)

(remember to only set this value to the channel that activates when the block has been run - otherwise, the teleporter could activate unintentionally)

Also, I hardly need to remind you to use a device (like the Counter device) to change values when the teleporter has been activated - if you don’t, the program won’t be able to stop the teleporter from working!


Another way to “disable” the teleporters is just blocking them with barriers. You can also use the other methods shown by the other users!

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IDK If you can or not, really

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