Question I want to ask

7 months, it’s worth mentioning that there is a person there named Blackhole, he is quite an active moderator of vorum and if he sees that we are talking off topic, he can give us a temporary ban, well, I hope he will succeed, I will understand that you are a newbie and forgive us, I came to Poland because of the war, fortunately your country helps us a lot, so respect for you

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dziękuję bardzo, doceniam cię

Guys, lets get back on topic please, I don’t want anyone to get banned


Okay, that was an interesting introduction, now let’s get back to the topic before we get into trouble!



Powinienem się tego nauczyć, prawda?

I should learn it, shouldn’t I?

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this is not what needed to be translated…

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@Alissa powinieneś móc kliknąć lewym przyciskiem myszy lub kliknąć dwukrotnie, aby wyświetlić opcje i zobaczyć ten obraz

Ignorować —> This is going to be my last Polish Message


you should it is the 3rd hardest language in the world

So hopefully you Understood my instructions and you should see this message automatically turned to Polish

What is your Go to gim when playing Gimkit?

guys, please get back on topic, I understand why y’all are off topic but lets get back to the main topic

little late to say that I just put it back on topic

yeah I know lol I was already typing and didn’t see your message tho so I didnt realize

@Alissa If you need to learn some English you could try Duolingo or any Language Learning App. But I would Recommend Duolingo because its fun and interactive

Ignorować ----> And so… I am gonna wait and see if any more Gim requests come in…

stop fighting please I don’t like it

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we’re not.?

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dowlingo is a bad way, having verified it on myself, it’s worth trying, but it won’t give him the knowledge he needs here

I also gave a detailed mini-guide on how to translate a page (you too) and also which translator to use that I use

well, that’s how it is)


my boy is lost In the sauce…

Were not What do you mean Alissa?

sorry you guys please forgive me

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You know what. I can teach you English

Everyone please forgive me for this…but… whats your email Alissa
I can try to teach you some basic phrases