so if I put a link to send me an email as the website in my bio, is that still counted as email sharing? If you have the time, @Blackhole927 that would be nice if you could answer the question.
(I’m assuming it is and will not be putting a link to my email in my bio btw before y’all flag this)
Yes that is I recomond not too so…
im pretty sure it counts as email sharing (but not 100% sure)
I though so ok welp Imma wait for blackhole then I’ll close this just bc I want his opinion as well. (no offense to y’all)
i was also banned for it
oh ok
email sharing or putting a link to email you in your bio?
email sharing
I too have a question related to the rules could I ask a question about the gimkit game modes like the regular ones?
I’m pretty sure it counts as email sharing, so I wouldn’t try anything risky like that until @Blackhole927 confirms that it doesn’t.
nope, you’d have to go to somewhere other than the forums since these are for gimkit creative only
welp Imma just wait for blackhole
side note
is it just me who is extremely laggy rn?
I believe you can talk about it ONLY if the question is linked to GKC in some way. For example, maybe you would want to ask how to get the farming plot from the farming game mode. I believe that’s perfectly fine, but be careful when you talk about anything that isn’t directly related to Gimkit Creative.
Nope! The forum was overloaded or something.
(Sorry for this, just answering Jax’s question.)
ok thanks note to self