Purchasing something that requires multiple other items

I know in farmchain you have to have multiple things to purchase a plant. (Water, the seed, and energy.) Do we have access to a multiple item purchase like that?

In vending machines it seems like we can only choose 1 item for payment. Is there a work around for this other than, having a progression of vending machines where you have to do it all 1 at a time?

Just like how Gimkit hasn’t added farming yet, I bet it is soon to come!

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Add a vending machine, and set it to purchase at whatever cost you want. Then, add a checker, and set it so all checks have to pass. Set the checks to be greater than an amount of the certain items. Wire a button to the checker, and the checker to the vending machine, so if all checks pass, you get the item.

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I think that would work, but before I go through testing this, it seems to me that I could pass the checks without having to spend any of it. This would allow players to just spam the vending machine without having to truly spend the requisite resources.

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Then how about the checker opens up a path to the vending machine?

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You could try using a button and with text saying that you need 2 item and then use the item granter remover method

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Like this

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This does work, but unfortunately it looks a little cluttered in game. Is there an option to make the item granters invisible??

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The item granters will be invisible when you start the game.

Item granters ARE invisible in game.

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Or at least they should be.

@ClicClac, do you have any idea why my reactor isn’t working?

You’re correct. I was thinking of item spawners, which are not invisible.

This set up works perfectly for having a multiple item purchase. Thanks!

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Your Welcome

[quote=“RobbieWarden, post:1, topic:3270, full:true”]
I know in farmchain you have to have multiple things to purchase a plant.