[Publishing Question]

I dont think there are copyright claims for fortnite. Also its something for the Gimkit Team to worry about not us.


I’m pretty sure, most the users on gimkit don’t even know what copyright even is!

That isnt a excuse. They should, or not be on there.


As long as more things are different you’ll be ok. Like I have a custom boss right now, so I should be good.

directly pulled from the Epic Games website.

How bout this to stop the arguing.
@Pharlain is fortnite not allowed on Discovery.

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I agree, lets stop arguing.

There are no mod bots. They rely entirely on people reporting bad games.

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He was suggesting mod bots. Like the ones for yt kids but better (since those were bad)

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But here is the thing… The community guidelines literally say that copyright infringement is not allowed, and they say to read the TOS for GKC publishing, and faiIure to comply with the TOS could result in a ban: something kids don’t want.

they will be added later in the years

Oh, ok. Maybe they should hire some interns or something since their staff is so small (they may not be able to keep up with stuff).

yeah, although I am not an official partner of Gimkit, I like to think I somewhat am… I have seen unspeakable things… like… Lets not talk about that… it could probably get me perma-banned since its that bad.

Lets just let Pharlin answer and can we stop arguing? Like really can we be civil?


yes. we should, she said not to argue


Yeah, the reporting system is lacking, also to boost popularity, make the description Have words like “game fun cool fighting” and you will get people who search up those words finding your game.

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Yep. Good example is Roblox Tags. People would do like

Tags: role play, cool game, RP, RPG

(But back on topic, I’ma work on my game.)

Discovery Tip: Try to use the most unique keywords possible in your game’s name or description. That way, only your games will show up when it’s searched. [1]

  1. For example, I made up a word and used it in my description. :rofl: ↩︎


What was the word? And what did it mean?

It was Dethor, the name of the planet several of my games are set on. [1]

  1. I have a knack for naming things in a style like LOTR. :smiley_cat: ↩︎