Publishing help

maybe try looking up space and see if it comes up

Discovery only came out a month ago.
When you create a new map, they don’t automatically get published.

Also, bumping my other post.

@bob_the_tomato @Trasch Please don’t beg.

dang you cant post links

Hey there should be a name search option
like search for a person

Guys, let’s get back on topic.

Said every regular ever


okey dokey no problem

just delete the spaces and u can buy it for me

but do know that i will experiment publishing mine for your purposes

I’m visiting my family and I left my credit card at home so I can’t buy it for you until I get home but I will give it to you in the spirit of Christmas/New Year.

i PROMISE THAT I WILL PUBLISH MY MAP btw its a hide and seek

ill publish yours (with credit) if mine works

I have published lots of maps and all of them work but this one didn’t.

ill see if mine works and ill tell u if it does

bye i have to go i have family coming over

Ok bye, see ya, so long, vasta lavista, vamos

This has been flagged as spam.


Whatever it is, if you use the link so your friend can purchase it, they can see your credit card account. Remember NOT to share it to anyone you don’t trust.

same thing happened to me try to email or something like that

Okay, guys, this has just become a begging chat for the ticket, so I suggest stopping to prevent any more flags. And for the author of this topic, this has happened to multiple people already, it’s a common issue, just search the forums, you’ll see that this has happened many times.


Wait, is Space Adventure the whole title?
If not, we need the whole title to find it.