Published map not showing in new releases

On the discovery tab.

ya i play like ever night almost

Cue the welcome propaganda… he joined today.

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ya fr like what do you care if i play gimkit or not

as I stated i need to know if i have to compleely explain gimkit, as you were acting like you have never played gimkit in your life.

thanks legobuilder for standing up

if you go into creative there should be a + sign in the corner its in a purple box once you get there you (not really) scroll down till u see publish you click it in total you have to have 50+ levels in all your time playing gimkit and 1,000 gimbucks if you do have all that you click continue then you will see this

Not exactly but it helps

(not advertising)

ow this forum giveing me a headache…we need to get on topic and help the creator…

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ya i just wanted to say how to publish a game and yall are just fighting like what?

No one welcomed him wow

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R u sure you had everything right on the map?
Did it involve trolling?
Was the thumbnail appropriate?
Did you title or description include j0in or code?

Welcome to the forums @GIMKIT.CREATIVE while ur here check out the beginner-must-read and read the TOS and FAQ

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Yep, called it!

? wat

I did earlier.

just crop out the title!

you said you don’t know how to publish, so they were wondering if you had actually played before.

he said that he called it because someone was bound to welcome them.


Welllll, @VWOOM said No one welcomed him WOW he didn’t say, nevermind I’ll just let it slide

and no

and all i have for my desc is Play terrain wars now!

What happended to me man😭 (jk im fine)

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U joined Feb 13 ur not really new…

ik i was making a joke from when i did j0in and nobody rlly greeted me