Ever felt slow? Now with this guide you fast! All jokes aside I’ve noticed some people try to remake sonic in Gimkit, but momentum is never there and I think I found out how to do it.
Psuedo-Momentum. Now this cant exactly replicate slope physics however it can give you speed over time
4 properties
3 Speed modifiers
2 triggers
1 life cycle
1 player coords
Total Memory: 5%
The Guide
First thing you are gonna want to do is place down a life cycle, that broadcasts on loop
when the game starts.
then make a trigger loop that triggers when recieving on loop
and broadcasts on loop
when triggered with a trigger delay of 1
add this block code to it
next up, make 2 new properties
Name: Speed, Type: Number, Scope: player, Default value: 0
Name: Moving?, Type: True/False, Scope: player, Default value: False
now add a player coordinate device that broadcasts on Check Moving
when the player’s position changes. and add this block code.
next add 2 more properties
Name: X, Type: number, Scope: player
Name: LastX, Type: number, Scope: player
now make a trigger that triggers when recieving on Check Moving
and has a trigger delay of 0.001
now add this block code!
Now we are almost done we just need to add 3 Speed modifiers
1 that has the speed set to 1 when recieving on normal physics
another that has the speed set to 1.5 when recieving on momentum physics1
and finally one that has the speed set to 2 when recieving on momentum physics2
What this does is as the “Speed” variable increases depending on how high the variable is the player will either have the default speed, a slightly higher speed, or 2x speed. when we do this we are effectively replicating how momentum works just without fancy slope physics as there isn’t any discovered way to do this.
In conclusion this is one way you can change up how platforming works for your maps and make it feel different from other platformers on GKC.
As always, please dont say “Great Guide” the button is there for a reason, instead put some constructive feedback in the replies or ask for help if you need it [1]
I ain’t leaving anytime soon, so you can ask questions for a long time I wont judge! ↩︎