Pseudo Zones For Non-Rectangular Zones

Great guide @getrithekd! i never n=knew what pseudo stuff was.

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No, I’m not joking, it actually helps!


this sounds like something i tried to do but ended up doing something simpler cuz i couldnt figure out what was bugged

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Wow, I never thought of doing this! Great idea, @getrithekd!


noice guide! :slight_smile: :+1:
this is a good alternative for zones if you hit the limit
as lasers have a 100 placement limit


I’m trying to use this for coordinates, but it’s being tricky.

I’m just gonna say what I have so far, and then if anyone has any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated.

Here it is:
To make a 3x2 coordinate system, we need a grid of lasers:
image ← now we need to track where the player is.

The problem with psuedo zoning is that lasers are bi-directional, meaning they can’t tell which direction someone is going in through them. We could remedy this by having two lasers right next to each other, but that seems inefficient for memory.
If we don’t do that, we need a checking system that sees “oh, this gim just entered the top and went left, where did they come from and where did they go?”
One of the first weaknesses we see is that the grid can’t tell both x and y coordinate from a gim entering the grid. The only thing we can do is track that they came in from the top, so y MUST be equal to 2. In other words, if y = 0, set y = 2. If y = 2, set y = 0. The same applies for the bottom and the x edges.

Let’s say that the gim is at (3, 2) now, after tripping the top laser.
The system only knows (x, 2). This is our first major roadblock. If the gim trips the x2-3 laser, the system won’t know whether our gim friend is going to (2, 2) or (3, 2). The only way to eliminate this is to have a laser on every other tile, like this.

This is already spiraling into inefficiency.

ok how do we do this


To detect movement without prior info about the location, you have to have 2 lasers. So basically, we have 2 lasers for each coordinate on the entry. Then, you can take a laser out per side by adding a default.



Honestly, I feel like psuedo-zoned coordinates aren’t worth the trouble for the complexity.

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They save like 150 memory PER x and y coordinate.


Eh… not if you need a bunch of blocks and so many extra lasers per coord.

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Lasers are 10 memory. Zones are 200. They can both use PCPs, so it’s now way more efficient than the first 700 memory coordinate system.


What lasers are 10 memory???

They’re 75 for me…

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I thought I saw 10…

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can you send a screenshot?

I’m m on mobile, so I need to see later.

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I looked at the guide for the memory, and apparently, they’re 250 memory.

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That’s only if you have 1 laser. Once you get 2+, it said 75.

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Hm, I didn’t know that. Looks like you really do learn something new every day.


this is actually pretty smart!


bump Pseudo-Bumping