Pseudo Terrain- A Singular Part In The Chunkian Collection Of The Seemingly Impossible But Turned Possible Pseudo-Methods 💀

Btw I don’t play minecraft, I don’t even know like, what half of it is, but most concepts here are from minecraft so that’s the tag.

concept explaination: mechanics

So this concept is about using one chunk, or room. When the player moves out of the room, the get teleported to the opposite side. Think of it as a donut.

If you move to the left when you are standing on the donut, you will eventually appear at the right. If you move up, you will appear at the bottom.

Hmmm… What if whenever the player moves up, they appear at the bottom, but the terrain is different? That is what this guide will attempt to explain.

concept explanation: display

You know the camera view device?
When you are at the top of the camera view, you only see the terrain inside the camera view.
However, when you go up,
You suddenly appear at the bottom of a new room of terrain.

Set up, basic chunk

Here we will use a basic 8x8 square. The benefits of this are:

it makes storing terrain easy.
it requires less teleporters and memory usage.

However, you may want to use a larger area. First, set up the square like this.

Now have a camera view.

Moving through chunks

Now grab a teleporter.

This should lead to the middle left, since if you go right, you should appear to the left in the next chunk.

The important part is all teleporters should send on a channel based on where they bring the player when the player teleports here. For example, in the middle-right chunk:

This would be the same for two teleporters arranged vertically, the teleporter below would be NextChunkAbove, and the teleporter above would be NextChunkBelow.

After you have that down, copy the teleporters and change their settings so they look like this:

Terrain storage

To store terrain, name the property the chunk coordinate. The chunk the player starts in is 0, 0, the chunk the player goes to when they move to the left is -1, 0.

Now, plan out your chunk in a Google doc.
Every ‘n’ stands for nothing, and every ‘y’ stands for a block.
Finally, copy this into the property.
Delete the spaces if you have any.

Activating and deactivating props

First, grab a property.
Another property.
Now grab a trigger.
In the block code: (you may remove that block with ‘u’ if you don’t have another type of prop.)

Now wire a lifecycle on game start to the trigger.
Now grab a prop. Make it not active on game start, activate on it’s namenumber, and deactivate on “nextchunk”.

Table for activate when receiving on channels:

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8
y9 y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15 y16
y17 y18 y19 y20 y21 y22 y23 y24
y25 y26 y27 y28 y29 y30 y31 y32
y33 y34 y35 y36 y37 y38 y39 y40
y41 y42 y43 y44 y45 y46 y47 y48
y49 y50 y51 y52 y53 y54 y55 y56
y57 y58 y59 y60 y61 y62 y63 y64

So you should now have this.

Finally, loading the chunks

Make two properties. They should both be numbers, and have a default value of 0.
grab a trigger.
In the blocks:

Copy this trigger.

In the blocks:

Copy this trigger for the bottom. In the blocks:


What the game maker needs to do

When you’re done with this, please make sure that all the properties on the edges, like the rightmost property (3 0), has a barrier at the side to make sure the player can’t get out. This will prevent bugs.


More than one type of prop.

To do this, make another 64 copies of the prop, but this time replace all 'y’s in the ‘activate when receiving on channel’ with another letter. In this example, i’m using ‘u’.
Now, update the block code.
And update the property.

Random terrain generation

Grab a lifecycle. Wire it to a trigger.

In the blocks:
Note that the property must be empty for this to work!
You may also create a few new properties for this and generate an entire new map.

What we still need to do
Coordinate system

This should be easy, I’m just too lazy to do it

Transporting blastballs


A better terrain saving system?

If we could use a mechanism to save terrain that is randomly generated…

Viewing adjacent chunks

Would be easy, just costly.




This can be used for, bypassing gimkit’s limits. like in platformer, there’s a limit to how far away you can go.

Random terrain gen also used for the other games

Memory cost

Will be more if you have more than one type of prop, or have many chunks.

if anyone develops this further, thx.

Uses found so far:
Very memory efficient way of storing a very large structure.

Research issues:

I haven’t tested it yet, and it may be complicated, but if we could use properties to store randomly generated terrain, or if properties don’t have a limit to how much text they can store, this would be groundbreaking.

A system that stores decimal/hex numbers and converts them to binary to display the terrain? perhaps…

The main purpose of this was to find if there is a new way to play: storing terrain in text.
This means we could create entire maps using only 64 of each prop.

or… we could go back to traditional random terrain generation, using actual props.


Because this is teleportation based movement, anything the player places down or items the player drops will not move with the player.

This system is also very limited, there are only a few types of props we could implement before we need to use several triggers and blocks to hold the system.

This is not available for multi-player.

Teleporter glitches.


Wow! this is very cool! how did you find this out?

You can make item drop by using a zone with an item decay of 1 second and using the item image device and making a coordinate system show it. You could also generate terrain outside of tiles the player can walk on to make it seem like it’s actually an infinite world.


Great and detailed guide, good on pictures, data, cover space, 6/5 quality! :full_moon_with_face:

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Nice topc, I’m just wondering how practical it will be. Maybe if you combined this mechanic with some others it may work better.

Wow this is good! Nice guide!


bro had this point someone finna make Pseudo Forums that works IN GKC


Pretty easy actually, all you have to do is put a bunch of:
-fire emojis
-dumpster emojis
-troll emojis
-banana emojis
-cow emojis
-angry person emojis
-pi emojis because pi cult


Nice guide! I’d recommended changing the title so it’s more enthusiastic.

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Chunky, I changed the title but you can change it back if you want lol.

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lol the ‘Chunkian Collection’
also you forgot the skull emojis and


Well yeah this doesn’t have many uses right now, but its pretty amazing how this only takes 4% memory.
But now because the terrain is based on text in a property, its extremely easy to change or make structures.
ok I can try to combine mechanics with

  • placing blocks with buttons, which changes text in the property
  • Tracking when props are destroyed and changing the property

Wow cool


Bump!! Great Guide, this needs to be more appreciated!

I’m pretty sure you can appreciate it without a ridiculously long bump.


whoops sorry, i just could not resist the bump quote chain:)

that is the most unhinged bump I have ever seen

ill change it

i changed it, it is a very different post:)
more civilized

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bump because that title :eyes:
shorten it :sob:

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No, it’s “iconic”
(totally not saying this because I made it… :skull:)