[📢 PSA!] Keep the Forum Clean!

We needed this!

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I hope we can @here to solutions.

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Solutions are here, hooray! Please @here to the rules, though.

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Do you mean @here or adhere

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It has came…
The best moment…

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Sounds about right

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Automatic Moderator Silence

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I was testing to see if you can get muted by a mod with just 1 word or 3

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Everyone here, I heavily encourage you to mark all of your solved posts with solutions! We’ve been privileged with a quick and easy way to clean up the forum, don’t let it go to waste!

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Please check the post above me

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why is everyone pinging @here

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Solutions were added.

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The solution feature will only appear to the owner of the post.

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Wait do you here a noise when you’re pinged?

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It puts a notification on my device

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