I don’t exactly know why but for some reason my overlay is not updating.
I want to be able to count the number of fish that I have collected in my game.
I created a property called fish count and then added inventory item managers that update the fish count property. Then I added a lifecycle that would activate a relay that would activate an overlay. All was going well. However, when I played the game, the property would not update even if I caught a fisIf you know what I did wrong then please tell me. Below is all of the code that I did.
If you catch a different fish each time, it won’t update. So the 1st one sets the property to the amount of green fish. Now number of fish property is 1. Now you catch a blue fish. The iim then sets the property to the amount of blue fish, which is… one.
Every time the player triggers the mechanism, just add one to the num fish thing. Or have a counter that is incremented by the item granter if there’s a chance that no fish is caught.