Property scope kind of working

Did you also display the player position?

No, why?

Yes, here:
Screenshot 2024-03-30 4.25.38 PM

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Just wondering

Because if it is global then one player could not be able to get the balls position

Okay, I don’t everyone understands. I have two tabs. Player one (Me) is in tab 1. Player two (also me) is in tab 2. If i’m on tab one, the property tracks player one, and ignores player two. Vice versa for tab two.

That’s the overlay showing the position, not the property, the overlay doesn’t matter, it’s for testing.

Ok. I have to go for a bit but i do understand but we have enough of a current misunderstanding that i will describe it later in a lot of detail

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I solved it. I figured out that this was happening because me on the other tab wasn’t moving. The channel was being sent out too much, so it didn’t work. I got it to work. But @TorontoBulls1 helped me a bit with the overlay scope.

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Lol, Didn’t even have to help. Glad you got it working


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