Problem with ko manager

When I have a counter, and target value is 0, it will end game when target reached. But, everytime i die, a ko manager will decrement the counter. The problem is, IT IS NOT DECREMENTING?
I dunno why

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Wire an overlay (set to button mode) to a repeater. Make it so that once it’s pressed, it activates the repeating sequence.

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So it won’t heal someone else?

This, but player scoped.

:rotating_light: Repeater Alert :rotating_light:
Sorry, just had to get it out of me, maybe use a trigger loop?


OK, I trust that this is going to work, but i have another question. I dont want to make another hlp topic so here it is:
When I have a counter, and target value is 0, it will end game when target reached. But, everytime i die, a ko manager will decrement the counter. The problem is, IT IS NOT DECREMENTING?
I dunno why

I suspect it is because of a problem with the scope, do ko managers work with hosts?

Can I see you counter’s settings, and the ko manger?

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Yeah, im stumped

Is the ko manager wired to the counter?

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yes, i am going through my mess of wires to see if i acidentally deactivated my thing.

Umm, i think i have a answer, it doesn’t work with hosts i thinlk

Try a lifecycle when player knocked out instead of a KO Manager.
Also, incrementing is usually better.

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Yep use a lifecycles, and sometimes channels work better

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Ok, thanks, let me tes it out.

Why? there is no difference

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It worked! thanks so much!
But the problem with lifecycles is that you cant stop it. how will i do peacful mode?
The only idea i have is a repeater constantly incrementing the counter. Any other ways>?

You could use trigger loop, but those are the only things I can think of.

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Actually, I don’t need the solution and @Crimson_Knight seems like she tried very hard, so maybe give her the solution? I don’t help for the solution so I don’t need it.


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