Popup glitch (REPOST)

when I click on the call to action button my game crashes.

this is a repost because I accidentally marked a post as correct when it was not a soulution.

You realize you can unmark the solution, right?

Could you link the original post?

The original link of the post:

You could contact hello@gimkit.com and include a screenshot of the error below :slight_smile:

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That is the only good solution if shutting down your device does not work. That and email josh if gimkit does not respond. josh@gimkit.com.


Is this a reoccurring bug?

WolfTech, only give Josh’s email for problems that are more on the game destroying, keyboard smashing in frustration elements unless he gives it out himself.


yes, this is a current bug, I emailed Gimkit support team and they told me to post this here, and it wouldn’t let me unmark the solution because the topic had closed. Im not going to mark a solution in case Josh has something to say about it and there isn’t a real solution yet.


I have this same error. I told support as well with a detailed explaination, and I think they may be working on patching it.

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ok ill be on the lookout so I can update this post

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Did you wire it to a questioner? If so did you set the questioner to a kit that is type in? Because if so, then that is what I did and the game crashed.

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yes that is what I did, but I skipped the popup in the wiring and it fixed it

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by that I mean I removed it

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Yeah then this is a bug that has not been fixed yet. You’ll have to wait until then or use the keyboard guide by @apollo1

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ima try removing the type-in question

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Yeah try that and then see if it works. If not then oh well I guess.