I need a thumbnail for my king of the hill game i want D0DG3 (check my pfp)
it be on top of the hill and other gims climbing the hill and make the OG dodge fall
Please help or at leas tell me when ur done
Are you Gonna help me for the thumbnail
Yes, but what do you want happening in the thumbnail?
Look in the description
Did you want any specific gims climbing the hill? (if not I’ll just add basic gims). I’m guessing the goal of the game is to stay on top of the hill longer than other people (so the dodg3 should be looking happy while the other gims look worried). The title of the game I just KOTH right?
So it doesn’t matter what the other gims are?
BUMPpity bump this is a bump
Just clarifying, you want the OG dodge skin and not d0dg3 right? (not sure which it is at this point, but either way I don’t think I’d be able to draw d0dg3)
Well I’m just not sure, I don’t really “believe” in photoshopping
BUMP can someone help we only have 2 artists so far
I could help, I use an editing tool a lot (everyone calls it a game tho,) And you can do a lot of things on it. it’s called freephotottool, and it is super cool. check it out sometime!
When should I start?
Hello welcome to the Forums
Hey, used to play this at school! Let me make a thumbnail