Poll on post 228 PLEASE VOTE

Plus you need like 2 more days

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goes straight back to reading posts.

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wait I was unsuspended not that long agoā€¦so I cant be a reg right? for a few more months or has it been 6 months since I was unsuspended? idk I randomly went back on forums after being unsuspended

When were you suspended?

  1. You werenā€™t on in June 2023 or 2024ā€¦

Why were you suspended?
(kinda curious now)

Heres the requirements for all trust levels

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Oh, sorryā€¦
Didnā€™t know thatā€™s how it happened. Whenever you get unsuspended, itā€™s 6 months from there that you have to wait.
Anyways, letā€™s get back on topic.


Guys try to get back on topic, this is getting off topic

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He literally just said that lol
but youā€™re rightā€¦

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Are any of you making thumbnails or were you just chatting

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Iā€™m honestly just looking around the posts

I was just chatting but TO THE THUMBNAIL CREATORā€¦
Types canva.comā€¦loadingā€¦loadingā€¦AHHHH!!!..still loadinnnggā€¦(XD)
IT WONT stop loadingā€¦this school internet is slow! lolā€¦it might take a while.

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Iā€™ll try to make a thumbnail but idk if Iā€™ll make it in time because I have lots of work I hafta do

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Ok sounds good I could probably push back the deadline to Saturday

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ummā€¦it might take a while. :no_mouth: this Canva wont loooad

Then do it at home probably, School internet ainā€™t known for being goodā€¦

AHHHhh I signed in on the wrong acccouuunttā€¦gack gotta take 32 more minutes to reload

Well Hope you log in sometime this year :sob:

Um no Iā€™m gonna be logging in by 2028ā€¦see ya in a few years

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