Poll on post 228 PLEASE VOTE

Its looking amazing :slightly_smiling_face:


@Quirky: I just made a thumbnail. I finished the gims before you posted the list… oops :grimacing:

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I can try to re-make the gims

@Quirky: I did a bit of editing…

Ok looks great I don’t really care what the gims are the list I made were just gims I like

@kirbyking could you include like a mountain in the background with gims fighting


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Looking good keep it up

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I need more thumbnails, PLEASE

An hour? it was a day till bump…also you mean 7 days right? or has it changed while I was gone?

it’s changed. with how many new people there are, and with all the repetitive questions everywhere, you have to bump frequently to get people to recognize it.

Oh…that is weird…there were a lotta people back in my day on the forums…hold up I gotta take a nap…:zzz:…what were we talking about again?..(XD I sound old…BACK IN my day…) but I notice, the thumbnail posts take most of the recent posts area as well as there being so many new users.

'23 was better than '24.

Everything went down in '24; so, so many people left. more ppl became regulars. (guys being a regular was a big deal for you new ppl.)

how do I become a regular? the old trust level guides have been gone for a while.

I will try my best! Also nice pfp.

get 3k more posts read and you get it


So far…

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Good job so far!
Maybe you should shade the grass a little more however…

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Goes straight to reading posts(are you serious…3k more posts read? and that’s all?)

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