Poll on post 228 PLEASE VOTE

goes straight back to reading posts.

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wait I was unsuspended not that long ago…so I cant be a reg right? for a few more months or has it been 6 months since I was unsuspended? idk I randomly went back on forums after being unsuspended

When were you suspended?

  1. You weren’t on in June 2023 or 2024…

Why were you suspended?
(kinda curious now)

Heres the requirements for all trust levels

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Oh, sorry…
Didn’t know that’s how it happened. Whenever you get unsuspended, it’s 6 months from there that you have to wait.
Anyways, let’s get back on topic.


Guys try to get back on topic, this is getting off topic

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He literally just said that lol
but you’re right…

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Are any of you making thumbnails or were you just chatting

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I’m honestly just looking around the posts

I was just chatting but TO THE THUMBNAIL CREATOR…
Types canva.com…loading…loading…AHHHH!!!..still loadinnngg…(XD)
IT WONT stop loading…this school internet is slow! lol…it might take a while.

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I’ll try to make a thumbnail but idk if I’ll make it in time because I have lots of work I hafta do

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Ok sounds good I could probably push back the deadline to Saturday

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umm…it might take a while. :no_mouth: this Canva wont loooad

Then do it at home probably, School internet ain’t known for being good…

AHHHhh I signed in on the wrong acccouuuntt…gack gotta take 32 more minutes to reload

Well Hope you log in sometime this year :sob:

Um no I’m gonna be logging in by 2028…see ya in a few years

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Here’s what i have