POLL ON POST 132! Vote for thumbnails NOW! And stop getting off topic!

Oop, I forgot to blend out the shading.

One second…

I was concerned about the gims! Like what happened to them. What pain have they been through?!?!

Oh. Lol.
That helped me notice it anyways, though, hah.



Thats awesome! I have no idea how you’re so good!

they have been consumed.

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I’m not that good lol. Just practicing ig

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same thing happens to me

Some people say
“HoW aRe YoU sO gOoD oMg YoU’rE bLeSsEd HoW wOwWiE zOwWiE!!!11!!”

It’s just practice. And trust us, we aren’t even comparable to some people.

Like bro I’m just trying to exist T-T


THAT was practice! Wow. Thats crazy. You must be very good for that to be practice. Were you the real person who painted the Mona Lisa???

Well, I wasn’t alive.
So, no.


At this point, this topic is becoming a chat. If you want to talk to someone about art just do it on a padlet or something. They made the thumbnail and they’re good. That’s all there is to it. You can ask how someone is so good, and it’s because they have skill from practice.

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Awwwwww. I do understand what Blackjack is saying though. I have had that happen. I’m not even sure why because I’m not that good. But RumblinLeech is (somewhat) right.

alright. BACK ON TOPIC. Is anyone else still making a thumbnail?


I think it is just the three thumbnails.

If anyone did have a thumbnail they would’ve replied that they were making one or would’ve made a reply with the thumbnail.


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I was just asking, I wanted to know so I wouldn’t have to rush mine.

Actually, there’s no reason for Blackjack not to ask- it’s not like it clutters up the post or is off-topic or anything.
It’s actually worse that you had to point it out, because you’re drawing attention to something that doesn’t even need correcting.
If you’re going to correct other people, first respect those who do know the rules and don’t assume that you’re right every time.
You are new- don’t question the people who have been here a while and don’t try to assert superiority over them.
Thank you.


Please explain yourself further- I am not psychic, I cannot discern meaning from simply an emoji.

Point taken VoidFluffy.

Then couldn’t you have just said “I’m going to make a thumbnail too!” or something?