Poll ended, thanks everyone!

My thumbnail is so bad.

It cant be THAT bad. I mean just look at your pfp, it looks great!

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Someone can be awesome at drawing anime but terrible at drawing gims @One-Thousand-Stars
My previous art is in my bio…

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but I have seen your other artwork (because I love reading peoples bios) and its great!

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You should make your own art gallery once you have like 7 thumbnails made.

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Maybe I will! but ATM I only have three presentable ones, now if this is considered off topic we should probably get back on topic but I’m not blaming you for being off topic its mostly my fault.

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Yeah. It’s getting a bit off-topic.

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@Tropicool, what time of day is it IN the thumbnail?


Ah. Thank you. It just looks like nighttime almost in some other thumbnails…

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(realizes its dark in mine)
I have to go change that

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What drawing platform do you use?

I use plain old sketchbook

Why are there many different shades of blue in the background? It should be all one solid color.

I felt like it I guess, and also:

brighter background

It still looks a bit dark but better. (Are you just choosing backgrounds and adding it as the sky?)

no, what I’m doing is I’m using the hue tool that lets me take my already drawn backgrounds and change the color, if you look closely they are the same just different colors

I use Canva. The lowest quality drawing app ever. But simple. People say my art is very good. But I don’t think so

Hey don’t mean to be rude but you guys might want to calm down with the replies :cold_face:

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Ok. (Ran out of likes again)