Poll ended, thanks everyone!

You said no deadline.

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yeah ik but we need a poll.
okay nvm I’ll do the poll after EVERYONE is finished.
is that a good idea?

Thank you. I’ll try to finish what I can in these three weekends.

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why in the world would you bump after 1 minute?

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cuz I can.

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@Tropicool, is it okay if the gims that are cheering grey? Or how do you want them?

I would prefer gray, but you can make anything!
(except for mouths. just don’t.)

I forgot to add that to the bg give me a second…

And is the racing track on a green hill?

plains or hill. both works. (plains are just flat terrain.)

Hill would be easier to draw I guess…

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Some suggestions, The Win should probably be Tropicool, and for the Loose, Only Loo is brown, which isn’t a good image in my mind… shudders. Try fixing that, also, Staches left leg looks a bit weird… but other than that, perfect!

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Call24whem is going to beat me. BY A LOT.

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i already thought how i made the win and i am not done with the thumbnail lol. But yes i tried making the win in the middle but it looked weird reading it and that would take FOREVER to fix everything, and switch things up .also first place is always in the middle that’s why or is by tropical… and i am not done with loose ether lol.
(Sorry for the long paragraph, and sorry if this was rude,)

But thanks a tone for your opinion about it lol. I will try my best to fix everything again. ;-;


I think it’s all pretty even, everything is great! :smile:

It wasn’t @Call24whem :smile:

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hi @discobot how are you

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Welcome to the forms @CartoonyCheese

Why are you asking that @discobot?