Poll ended, thanks everyone!

We already stopped, so there is no need to bring it up again
now, let’s discuss about thumbnail again
no no no no no way I am not so uh hey bye toodleshahhahahahabzzzzzzzzzzzz

@NotYoyo , your making a thumbnail?

Okay good my 24 hour timer is up… I can attempt!


first day I can only make so many replies before I can’t speak anymore

Just letting everybody know, the next poll is on Monday, 6pm sharp.
Thank you.

Welcome to forums @One-Thousand-Stars

Thank you!

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I think the bg is a bit bland, and i am still working on it lol but here ya go… (what i have so far.)



Thats fabulous! keep it going!

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You just automatically won :0
(In my opinion)

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Not yet! the poll is on Monday 6pm.

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Wait the poll is next monday?!


There was one in wednesday, and now theres one in monday. due to people not finished yet.

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Next monday? Now I have to speedrun…

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lol your not finished yet?

School. I had school. I’m going to try and finish super duper fast.

lol don’t rush, take your time.
you want it to be really good, don’t you?

Which monday? Next monday, the monday after that?

3 days from now.